TPT Shipping Operations team visited the MV Berge Annupuri whilst she was loading in Tauranga mid November 2017. MV Berge Annupuri was built in 2015 and is a 34K DWT purpose built bulk/log carrier, owned and operated by Berge Bulk. Although a few years old, the ship was clean and beautifully presented.
The crew morale was vibrant, which was a direct reflection of the Master’s own personal beliefs and what Berge Bulk as a company stands for. The tour started on the bridge and ended in the engine room, followed by a delicious traditional Chinese lunch on board, prepared by the ship’s chef and kitchen staff. The team had a highly enjoyable and informative visit.
MV Berge Annupuri loaded approximately 37,000 JAS, a mixture of U grade and A grade Radiata Pine for Korea.