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China breakbulk softwood port inventory
China breakbulk softwood port offtake
News & Information
Konrad Schulte closing hatches in Timaru
The Konrad Schulte having finished underdeck loading Timaru, bound for Zhenjiang, China [...]
Congestion at NZ ports: Tips for avoiding biosecurity related delays
TPT would like to share this recent communication from MPI regarding biofouling related delays: [...]
Centurion Lucilla preparing for departure at Port Otago
The Centurion Lucilla finished loading 43,000 jas of Radiata Pine in Port Otago, preparing [...]
Crane Block Failure Bulletin from Maritime New Zealand
TPT would like to make this information on Crane Block failure from Maritime New Zealand readily [...]
The Otago Harbour in Otago Harbour
Some photographs of the ship, the Otago Harbour in Otago Harbour at sunrise. A full [...]
Vessel Ballast & Biofouling requirements
TPT would like to make this information on Ballast Water and Biofouling readily available to [...]